19 Jan - 22 Jan 2021

IATI Publishing Project - Interview Request

IATI Technical Team
IATI Technical Team • 19 January 2021

IATI is conducting a research project focused on publishing.

We are looking for organisations ideally in developing countries that have recently published to IATI to share their experience with us.

We will be conducting a deep dive analysis of IATI publishing processes and tools to understand the gaps between what exists, and what publishers truly need.

If you are able to participate, please get in touch with IATI's Technical Team: support@iatistandard.org. Your input will be very much appreciated!



Comments (4)

Wendy  Thomas
Wendy Thomas

Hi Gyan, the survey is being done to help us gather information on publishers and the functionality required for them to publish. The findings will be used as the basis of a detailed options analysis for the Governing Board to consider the best route forward; we will summarise findings after the Board  has met to discuss. Thanks! Wendy

Wendy  Thomas
Wendy Thomas

Hi Gyan, the detailed results from the survey will be internal for the Board initially, in line with how we would handle any documentation that may have implications for future procurement processes. Thanks, Wendy

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